This past Saturday was a sad day for our family. We took our elder (7 ½ years) Great Pyrenees Kuma, to the veterinarian; he recently has suffered two seizures within a two week period, so we wanted him to be checked out. Idea’s that were running through our head we from Epilepsy (no signs of this before), Canine Distemper (had not been in a kennel recently), Environmental Toxins (we don’t leave out chemicals) or the worst Brain Tumor (most likely the cause). Yes due to his age, no other symptoms or enlarge masses found the mostly like is a brain tumor, where he will have brain bleeds and will surely suffer another seizure or too, until we will need to help him over the Rainbow Bridge. So I was going through some of the pictures we had taken over the years of Kuma and ran across the very first picture we had taken of him the day we adopted him September 2007 and then a more recent photo taken at the very same place this July 2011. Although Kuma has not changed much over the past four years the difference in my boys is amazing.
September 2007
July 2011
Kuma is such a special dog for us; he came into our life soon after we lost our beloved Koda, a Bernese Mountain Dog at an early age of 3 ½; Kuma filled the hole in our hearts and we filled the loss of his family in his. I want to give a shout out to the wonderful rescue that we adopted Kuma from, Sierra Pacific Great Pyrenees Club Rescue in Granite Bay, CA ( is such a wonderful place they have the heart of a saint. They do so much for the breed that this little blog could not even begin to explain. If you get a chance check out their site, but I must warn you Pry’s are addicting.
Kat - I'm so sorry to hear about Kuma. Hang in there - he is such a wonderful doggie. HUGS to you.